what is punishment if there is no crime
what is life if one has no soul
what is happiness if there is no counterpart?
what do words mean if one could not speak
what is music to one who could not hear
why does a person torture the other
why do people even hurt each other?
don't they know that we could not live without love
don't they know that we could not live without touch
how could people be so cruel to a person who committed nothing
how could people bring themselves to hurt the other
how would you act if one took these actions on you?
how would you feel if one carried out a death sentence on your body?
does torture count as a form of punishment?
does torture count as a form of repentance or of confession?
how would yo act if you were innocent and put to death?
how would you act if you were a criminal and put to death?
would you not think of ways to say you are innocent?
would you not think of ways that would MAKE you innocent?
people try as much as they can to be free, but can one be really free in a life where freedom is just a word?
Discipline and Punish by Michel Foucault is one book that puts very gruesome pictures in one's head, and reflects on the idea of the evolving of the torture and punishment disciplines throughout the centuries that follow.
a great work of Art
enjoying every part of it. though it has some scary and disgusting points.
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